Portfolio’s performances from 25 Nov 2022 to 25 Nov 2024
Profit Factor: 2,99
Annual Return:12,04%
Maximum Drowdown (in the month): -3,8%
Net Profit/ Max Drowdown: 10,46
Percent Days Profitable: 54,46%
Percent Months Profitable: 73,3%
Percent Years Profitable: 100,00%
Details about this backtest:
Number of maximum Long position opened: 10
Number of opened positions depending on stocks' stagionality and portfolio logic
10.000 $ for each position
Commissions 4$ Roudturn
Equity Curve
Monthly Return & Drawdown (%)
Weekly Returns
Portfolio Exposure (on a total capital of 100.000 $ showing over the time the number of opened positions depending on stocks' stagionality and portfolio logic)
Equity Contribution
Performance Report